Managing Tasks

Adding a task

To add a task to the designer:

Editing task

To start editing task settings, double-click on a task block. A dialog with several tabs wills pop-up.

The main Tab

Main tab contains specific parameters for each task.

tab1 tab2

“Start only if” parameter
Let you define if the task will be executed.

If the result of evaluation is False:
    Workflow execution will stop.

 If True:
    Execute the task.

Allow workflow to feedback all needed information that could be useful in development mode. Beware this could be time consuming in production.


It’s a good practice to deactivate all logs but message, error, and error context logs from Root node, decreasing the amount of transferred information, and accelerating workflow execution/UI feedback.

Webhooks tab

A Webhook is a POST request sent to a predefined URL during a specific event. It allows you to send feedback information to your information system for example.

To add a new Webhook:

Press the “+ Webhook” button.


Enter the URL you wish to call. Select on which event you want the webhook to be called.


Callbacks tab

Callbacks are code executed at specific moments.


On Initialize
Triggered once before task execution. It’s a good place to import necessary libs or initialize variables. If you want to have those import available globally for all the workflow tasks, use the Home task /Helper tab instead.

On Success
Triggered if execution is successful.

On Error
Triggered if execution generate an error.

On Max retry
Triggered if execution reach max level of Max Retry (defined in Error tabs).

Errors tab

This tab defines how workflow should behave in case of error.

On Reached
Possible values:

On Child Error
Possible values:

Execution tab



Export Context

For example, you can declare “my_list = []” inside a task“my_task” , and add elements from any descendants tasks using “my_task. my_list.append(my_object).

This behavior is not possible with duplicate context, as all objects accessible inside context are cloned.

Loop_index, loop_loop_key and loop_value are always cloned.

Task info tab


Task key
This is the unique key name for the task.

Icon list can be found there: Bootstrap Icons

Deleting a task

To delete a task, select it and press Delete. All links from and to this task will be deleted.

Linking a task to another

The Different ports

Blue port
Blue port is the input port of every task except for Start task that have no Blue port.

Green port
Green port is used when a task execution ends without errors.

Red port
Red port is when a task or subtask execution failed.

Yellow port
Yellow port can be the one called for every value of an iterator.

Orange port
Orange port is used for the false value in “If or not” task.