Register Media
"Register media" is a simple way to manage and store a media and its proxies. "Register media" will create folders to hold media and will provide the path where files should be saved.
Creating registered media
This task will create sub-folders to handle original file and proxy and will define all necessary context variables. Saving your original file or building the proxy won't be handled by the Register Media task, but using the yellow port will allow you to easily handle those tasks.
Displaying Registered media
A registered media can be displayed in a form using the "Registered Media" object. A registered media may be associated with a sequence and displayed as a dynamic thumbnail using the "Update thumbnail" task.
Cleaning up registered media
All Files stored as registered media will be cleaned-up on sequence deletion as well as the corresponding subfolders.
Configuring the Register Media task
File name
Path to the original file. This value could be a smartpath or a full path.
Target Connector
Connector used for store the original file. Original is supposed to be stored in {target_connector_path}/registered_medias\sequences\{sequence_id}
Proxy Connector
Connector used to store the proxy file. Proxy is supposed to be stored in {proxy_connector_path}/registered_medias\sequences\{sequence_id}
Proxy extension
File extension of the proxy file (used to define the proxy path variable)
Export to global context as
Name of the Register media object in global context. This name will be used in Form to display the proxy.
Sample usage
We will be registering a media called file_name and stored in main_path.
Register media task
The local file path entry is defined by os.path.join . We will store the original in masters connector and the proxy in masters_proxies connector.
On the yellow port of the Register media task, we will copy the file to the masters directory and build a proxy.
FFMPEG will build a proxy using the original file defined in local_file_path and will save the result in proxy path .
Copy/move file task