Object Finder

This task allows to search information by values in any input object. Retrieving data from an object store can be very specific in nature when it contents metadata. The performance of search on object store metadata is a critical capability because scanning individual objects is a totally impractical process. Naturally, search performance should not be a limiting factor on the size of an object store and should scale as the object store grows in size, hence using Object Finder task.


Input object
This is the dictionary object where you have to search.

Result to context
If checked, it will export each path result to context.

Paths to find
In case we have only one path, the value of 'input object' will be considered as input. Once the number of paths is more than one, the input will be the result of the previous path.

Returned values
Each processed path return a list of found result.

eg : we assume that we search 'live_filters.*.droppable.nodes_list.default' in the object named O. here is the result after the search :

        "data": "id",
        "data_target": "node_id",
        "label": "node_name",
        "filter": "node",
        "placeholder": "node",
        "default": true