External Command
Let you execute any local command like it can be executed in a terminal.
Remind that the command will be executed on the render node side, not on the factory server side.
You can provide the full command string including parameters (i.e. mycommand.exe –a value_1 –b value_2 …), or split parameters into a list.
Let you define parameters as a list of name/value instead of building the full command yourself. Note that you have to include ‘-‘ or ‘--‘ before each parameter name. If parameter is a single value, fill only the name field, and leave value blank.
Response format
If returned response is a JSON or XML string, it can be automatically decoded. An error is raised if the response cannot be decoded. The default format ‘Text’ lets the response as it.
Transform response
This parameter let you keep only a relevant part of the response, simplifying access to the information.
Consider the following JSON response:
{"result": True, "data": {"request_id": 12521}}
Accessing to ‘request_id’:
Providing response[‘data’][‘request_id’] to ‘Transform response’ has the same effect as doing the following statement from ‘on_success’ callback:
response = response[‘data’][‘request_id’]
For this example, one the task executed, response will be equals to 1252, instead of the full object.