SOAP Webservice

This service allows to call Rest webservices.


This element indicates the link of an operation with a SOAP protocol. It is the description of an action exposed in the port.

Request data
Click add parameter button to add a new parameter. Let you define parameters as a list of name/value instead of building the full command yourself. If parameter is a single value, fill only the name field, and leave value blank.

Transform response
This parameter let you keep only a relevant part of the response, simplifying access to the information.

Consider the following JSON response:

{"result": True, "data": {"request_id": 12521}}

Accessing to ‘request_id’:


Providing response[‘data’][‘request_id’] to ‘Transform response’ has the same effect as doing the following statement from ‘on_success’ callback:

response = response[‘data’][‘request_id’]

For this example, one the task executed, response will be equals to 1252, instead of the full object.


Web Services Description Language (WSDL) is a standard description language. Based on XML, allows to describe in a precise way the details of the web service such as the protocols, the ports used, the operations that can be carried out, input and output message formats and exceptions that can be sent.