POST: sequence/rest/create_and_start

Create and start a sequence from an existing template:

Input Mandatory Type Observation
template_id Y String (uuid) or int (id) A valid sequence template uuid or id obtained from sequence_template/rest/list
title Y String Sequence title. If empty, template title will be used
deadline Y String (yyyy-mm-dd) Latest date by which sequence should be completed
input_context {} Initial context affected to this new sequence.
user_message String Initial message showed to user(s) when entering into first pending form(s)
color String A color as string. Could be #html, named, or RGB color
priority Int An integer between 0 and 5
thumbnail String A valid image url representing the new sequence
custom_css_id Int A valid css id obtained from << TO_DO>>
allocation_date String (yyyy-mm-dd) Default allocation date for all generated UI jobs
allocation_user Int A valid user id obtained from << TO_DO>>

GET: sequence/rest/list

Return a list of paginated, filtered and ordered sequences:

Input Mandatory Type Observation
seq_id Int Existing sequence id obtained from sequence/rest/list or sequence/create_from_template
template_id String Existing sequence template id obtained from sequence_template/rest/list
created_by String or Int User name or user id
state_filter String Valid state (see Sequence states)
sort_by String Valid column name used to sort result (see Sort by values)
deadline String (yyyy-mm-dd) Latest date by which sequence should be completed
color_filter String Valid color code
start int First selection row index
length int Number of retrieved rows
search string Performs a 'contains' search on sequence name

Sequence states

State Observation
IDLE First state occurring when sequence is created but not already started, or when start fails for any reason
IN_PROGRESS Sequence is in progress, and no job is in error or lost.
DONE Sequence is done, ie complete jobs graph has been successfully executed
FAILED One or various jobs are in error
LOST One or various jobs are lost. Lost refers to workflow that does not respond within 1 minute
DELETING Sequence is being deleted
RESTARTING Sequence is being restarted (depending the sequence complexity, delete or restart a sequence could take some time)

Sort by values

To perform a descendant sort, just prefix sort key by a minus sign (ex: -seq_name):

Sort key Column
seq_name Sequence title specified in sequence/rest/create_and_start
id Sequence id returned by sequence/rest/create_and_start
seq_state Current sequence progress (see: sequence_template/static_data)
seq_priority Sequence priority specified in sequence/rest/create_and_start
seq_created_by__username User name who created the sequence
seq_count_exec Counter incremented for each sequence restart
seq_deadline Deadline date specified in sequence/rest/create_and_start
seq_start_date Date on which the sequence starts
seq_end_date Date on which the sequence terminates
seq_last_action_date Date of the latest job action
seq_workflow_template__wft_name Sequence template name

GET: sequence/rest/static_data

Set of static data used by application:

Key Observation
states list of all states used by Sequence manager
colors list of all colors used by Sequence manager
job_categories list of job categories (id, name)

GET: sequence_template/rest/list

Return a list of all sequence templates. Each entry will have the following data:

Ouput value Observation
id Sequence id
uuid Universal sequence id
category Sequence category
name Template name

GET: sequence/rest/data

Return a set of data for a specific sequence:

Input Mandatory Type Observation
sequence_id Y Int Id of an existing sequence
Ouput value Observation
sequence_template_name Template name used to build the sequenbce
seq_count_exec Counter incremented for each sequence restart
seq_deadline Deadline date specified in sequence/rest/create_and_start
seq_start_date Date on which the sequence starts
seq_end_date Date on which the sequence terminates
created_by User name who created sequence
created_by_id User ID name who created sequence
count_jobs_in_error Number of jobs in error
count_jobs_lost Number of lost jobs
progress [current, max, key, count]

POST: sequence/rest/update_data

Input Mandatory Type Observation
sequence_id Y Int Id of an existing sequence
title String New title for this sequence
priority Int An integer between 0 and 5
deadline String (yyyy-mm-dd) Latest date by which sequence should be completed
color String A color, preferably from sequence/rest/static_data
thumbnail String Valid image url
tags String Tags list separated by comma

POST: sequence/rest/delete

Delete a selection of sequences:

Input Mandatory Type Observation
ids Y [] An array of existing sequence ids to delete

POST: sequence/rest/restart

Restart a selection of sequences:

Input Mandatory Type Observation
ids Y [] An array of existing sequence ids to delete