Let you add a user selectio object to your form.
Object designer
Object parameters
Double-click on the object to edit it. Object parameters dialog will pop-up.
Export object
If checked, user selector will export the complete user object. Otherwise only the user id will be returned.
Use this field to define the unique name of a variable in the context.
After validation of the form, you'll find the resulting data in the context
if Export object is checked:
"user_selector": {
"id": 2,
"is_superuser": true,
"username": "admin",
"first_name": "",
"last_name": "",
"email": "",
"is_staff": true,
"is_active": true
if Export Object is not checked:
"user_selector": [
Selection mode Let you choose if 1 or many users could be selected.
Groups This will allow you to restrict users displayed to the one belonging to those groups
Users Allow you to restrict users displayed to the list.