Media selector

Let you add a media selector field in your form

Object designer


This object allows you to browse a file connector directory. Browsing is done by the server, so there no need to mount the connector directory on your local machine.


Object parameters

Let you choose which file connectors will be browsed by media selector.

Sub directory
Let you restrain browsing to a sub-directory inside the file connector main directory.

Empty pattern
Let you define how to display a media selector with no media selected.

If selected, this option let you filter files base on file type (audio, picture, video clip)

Wildcard filter
Let you enter a filter based on file extension, for example, *.mxf to see only mxf files.

Double-click on the object to edit it. Object parameters dialog will pop-up.


Use this field to define the unique name of a variable in the context. media_selector will add a complete structure of data to the current context. This structure is describing the connector type and the file selected details.

    "media_selector": {
        "connector": "Directory_Connector",
        "connector_type": "directory",
        "connector_data": {
        "connector_key": "incoming medias",
        "co_directory": "/mnt/sharing1/incoming_medias/",
        "mode": "online"
    "id": "select_media",
    "files": [
            "file_format": "JPEG (ISO 10918)",
            "file_duration": "N/A",
            "file_seconds": null,
            "file_profile": "RGB",
            "file_frame_rate": "N/A",
            "file_size": "8.5 kB (299 x 169)",
            "file_bytes": 8501,
            "file_name": "download-1.jpg",
            "last_update": "2021-11-23 17:59:43",
            "is_image_file": true,
             "uri": "file:///mnt/sharing1/incoming_medias/download-1.jpg",
            "mapped_path": "\\\\PULSE-IT-AD\\sharing-ad\\incoming_medias\\download-1.jpg"
    "tag": "ui-id-63_root_media_selector",
    "last_update": "2021-11-23 17:59:43",
    "thumbnail": "/automateit/directory/get_file_thumb?file_path=ZG93bmxvYWQtMS5qcGc%3D&co_directory=L21udC9zaGFyaW5nMS9pbmNvbWluZ19tZWRpYXMv&connector_key=incoming+medias&t=1641910447",
    "order": 13,
    "file_path": "/mnt/sharing1/incoming_medias/download-1.jpg",
    "file_url": "/automateit/directory/get_file?file_path=ZG93bmxvYWQtMS5qcGc%3D&co_directory=L21udC9zaGFyaW5nMS9pbmNvbWluZ19tZWRpYXMv&connector_key=incoming+medias&t=1641910447",
    "__media_tag__": "root_media_selector",
    "__version__": ""

Audio file

Let you define how the audio files are displayed and played.
