Grouped Fields

Define a group object. This is design tool as well as a data tool.

Object designer


Drag and drop fields into the Group object.

The group is considered as a single object on the grid.

fgf_main SO you are able to position the group side by side with for example a media selector.

Object parameters

Double-click on the object to edit it. Object parameters dialog will pop-up.


Use this field to define the unique name of a variable in the context. After validation of the form, you'll find the resulting data in the context

If flat values is not checked, data will be embedded into group_fields key.

    "grouped_fields": {
        "string": "",
        "checkbox": true,
        "text_area": ""

if flat values is checked, data won't be embedded.

    "string": "",
    "checkbox": true,
    "text_area": ""


Flat value Let you decide whether resulting values should be saved embedded or not.